Monday, July 13, 2009

Men at work: Mark Newport

Here is an image of one of my favorite male textile artists Mark Newport. I feel really connected to the type of work that he does. His knitted super hero costumes really evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort. I am glad to see this kind of work circulating and being taken seriously as art. You can see more of his images here. Tell me what you think.

I am going to try and do more posts about male textile artists here because I think it is important to stay united. I have come to realize that penetrating this female dominated craft is going to be harder than I thought it would be.


I haven't been doing much textile work lately, but I'm gearing up for it through illustrations... I'm going to be be posting more illustration work in the next while so enjoy!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

new ideas

Here is a quick mock up from one of my illustrations for an idea I think I'm going to be working on. I forgot how fun it is to use photoshop. I have to relearn so much stuff because I forgot everything (which is not much) I know. Youtube has been great for tutorials and getting me familiar with the program again. What do you think?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

At the AGO!

Here is one of the displays that had my work at the Art Gallery of Ontario. This is a great picture taken by Matthew Palmer. It was a great show and I am really happy that I got to take part in this final installment of Artwherk.